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#PetsInPrint 2025: Is Your Pet Ready to Be Crowned Champion?

Calling all pet lovers! It’s time for the most adorable competition of the year—Pets in Print 2025! Does your furry [...]

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How Innotech Consigment Stock Helped Urban Design & Print Meet Customer Demands

Urban Design and Print has been talking to Innotech about overcoming challenges, the benefits of using Consignment [...]

Consignment Stock: the best route for Spiral Colour 

Jason Carpenter Production Manager at Spiral Colour has been talking to Innotech to share their positive experience [...]

Shopping Centres: the Printer’s Playground 


We’ve launched our Instagram search for a #PrintHero!

We’re marking the launch of our brand new Instagram page with an exciting photo competition that gives customers the [...]

Russell Alexander reflects on 2017 and shares his thoughts for 2018……

As we approach the Christmas holidays most of us find ourselves reflecting on the year just gone and start [...]

New Market Opportunity: Custom Wall Coverings


Our vision for DGcal Vinyls in the UK

DGcal have established themselves one of the world’s leading manufacturers of face films and vinyls. Having worked [...]

Show Review – The Print Show / SignLink Live 2017

Last week, we spent three days over at the SignLink Live show in [...]

Introducing you to Kinetix

Welcome to the Kinetix Magnetic Materials product range brought to you by Innotech!  A comprehensive selection of [...]