Published 18th Mar 2021

Innotech Predicts a Bright Future for the Wide Format Print & Sign Making Industry

Since the beginning of March we have seen the gradual easing of lockdown in the UK and there is a real determination for the economy to bounce back as quickly as possible. It feels like now is the time for many of the industries that have been put on hold by Covid-19 to look towards the future with justifiable positivity. Innotech Digital believes that print will play an important part in this recovery and the company will be launching a range of support schemes designed to help its customers and partners get back to business.

Kieran Dallow, marketing manager for Innotech Digital, explains, “The wide format print and sign-making industry is very much reliant on retail, hospitality, events, tourism and all those business sectors that have been in virtual hibernation for much of the last year. As the companies in these sectors take their first tentative steps back to normality, here at Innotech we are very positive that our industry will be front and centre in driving the market recovery across all these sectors. We are already seeing a return of commercial activity and economic growth and we want to share our upbeat vibes with our customers and partners across the UK.”

The recovery process this time is likely to have some significant differences to previous occasions where the market has recovered from an economic depression. Dallow adds, “Despite falling infection rates and high uptake of the vaccine, we will continue to live with some restrictions that could continue to have an impact on revenue and margin for some time to come. Throughout all of this, the need for communicating positive and informative marketing, sales and business messages will be critical and for this reason, print is going to be a vitally important component of the recovery.”

Step by step, the UK economy will open up and our ability to shop, socialise and do all the things we have been missing over the last year will be available to us. Many economic predictions are suggesting that the overall economy will bounce back well and this will have a knock-on effect on many industries, not least print.

Dallow continues, “We are very excited to be getting back to business and to share this enthusiasm, Innotech will be launching a range of initiatives and support schemes to help the industry get back to profitability as soon as possible. We will announce the first of these schemes in time for the next lockdown-easing step, which we all hope will be in mid-April.”

As we come out of lockdown, there is also a feeling that we have an opportunity to make things better than they were before. According to the European Environment Agency, the Coronavirus crises further highlights the urgent need to address the environmental challenges that Europe faces. They say this will benefit society’s general health and well-being as well as the environment itself.

“This is why it is important that the print industry can take this chance to transform itself in a truly eco-friendly sector that not only supplies environmentally sustainable print, but also controls waste through effective recycling programmes,” says Dallow.

He concludes, “After a really difficult year, it is great to once again be feeling confident and upbeat about the future and we really want to share this positivity with the market.  We know that the support schemes we have planned will be welcome news for our customers. Our aim at Innotech is to help the wide-format print and display industry get back to business and back to profitability as quickly and as environmentally responsibly as possible.”

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