Published 10th May 2024

Fast Reactions Save the Day at Imagink

Imagink case study

Imagink’s Challenge

Imagink found themselves in a bit of a pickle when a client suddenly doubled the size of a job on a Saturday morning, still expecting it by Tuesday. And to crown it all off, Monday was a bank holiday!

Innotech’s Solution

“Facing such a sudden surge in workload and not having enough materials to finish the job was daunting, especially with the bank holiday looming,” said Matt Saunders, Senior Print Production Manager at Imagink. “But we didn’t have any option but to deliver.”

He reached out to Bruce, the account handler at Innotech. “I explained my challenge to Bruce, and he was incredibly responsive,” Matt recalled. “He assured me that they would do everything possible to help us out.”

Bruce affirmed, “When Matt contacted us, I could see his dilemma!  I checked in with the team and our Saturday warehouse shift was able to ship the extra materials needed to complete the job on a same day courier.”


Innotech’s lightning-fast response and flexibility saved the day. Not only did Imagink meet the tight deadline, but they also kept their client smiling. By delivering on time, Imagink scored major points with their client, building even stronger bonds.


Innotech’s hustle and willingness to jump in when needed saved the day for Imagink. This case is a prime example of how teamwork and quick thinking can turn a potential disaster into a win-win situation.

Cheers to partnerships that get the job done, even when the odds are stacked against us!

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