Published 27th Jan 2017

Blue Gecko Case Study


Blue Gecko is an established large format print company that specialises in producing indoor and outdoor display graphics for a whole host of applications.

The requirement

With such an extensive range of products currently available on the market, Blue Gecko found it was becoming increasingly difficult to:

  • Easily identify all of the different products.
  • Understand how the products can be used to meet their customers’ specific requirements.
  • Obtain prices for the various different types of hardware and media.

The solution

We initially provided Blue Gecko with the support and guidance they required to successfully navigate their way around the complex product market. We also supply them with competitively-priced modular display stands on an on-going basis.

“Innotech are very helpful and efficient. They were one of the first companies I knew to have such a helpful online service,” explains Stefan Canale, Operations Director from Blue Gecko.

“Their website is also clear and easy to understand and allows me to browse through the products I need.”


Blue Gecko now find it much easier to find the quality products they need at the right price, thanks to our dedicated customer support service.

Stefan Canale added: “Compared to other products that I’ve purchased from other suppliers, the products provided by Innotech are the best in their price range.

“The quality of the Predator banner stands originally brought us to Innotech and it’s the same thing that keeps us coming back.”

For more information or to discuss your requirements with us, contact us.

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