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Innotech Digital & Display Limited recognises the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the way it manages its business. We understand our responsibilities to our employees, customers and suppliers, shareholders, the environment and the community at large, therefore, commitment to the highest professional and ethical standards is embedded throughout the organisation. Innotech’s reputation and the trust of its stakeholders are the foundation of its success and are of fundamental importance for the future success of the organisation. We aspire to high standards of practice through a process of continual improvement and the adoption of international codes and standards where applicable. To meet this commitment we have implemented management systems that accord with the requirements of our corporate social responsibility standards and strive to:
At Innotech Digital & Display Limited we believe that our people are our most significant asset and are a key competitive advantage. We are committed to investing time and resources in development initiatives to assist all staff to achieve their full potential.
Innotech is a forward-thinking employer and sees the benefit of good people practices in our continuing success. We are committed to continually developing a professional environment where individual and team contribution and achievement is recognised and rewarded appropriately and ongoing development is supported. We encourage team working and the sharing of knowledge throughout the organisation. We respect the rights and dignity of every employee and treat them fairly and without discrimination, and we forbid, eliminate and will not be complicit in the use of forced or child labour.
Innotech Digital & Display Limited is committed to providing a working environment which ensures the highest standards of health and safety for all our internal and external stakeholders, employees, suppliers, customers and the environments and communities in which our businesses operate. Accordingly, our aim is beyond compliance with the national standards of the health and safety authorities in those jurisdictions in which our businesses operate.
Working in a manner which promotes a safe and healthy professional environment for all our stakeholders is a principle that we regard as a cornerstone of our business and we constantly seek to improve our health and safety systems and initiatives.
Innotech is currently working towards ISO 45001 accreditation.
Our business provides valuable, bespoke solutions for our clients using our extensive worldwide procurement capabilities. We are committed to providing the highest quality services and developing and maintaining long-standing relationships with our customers and suppliers. We ensure that suppliers are aware of, and where necessary, work with them to meet our business principles, policies & standards.
Innotech Digital & Display Limited is committed to the conservation of the environment. We ensure that relevant statutory requirements are adhered to and that good environmental practice is applied in managing our business and providing services to our customers.
Innotech fleet vehicles have the lowest possible carbon emission ratings as a matter of course and we encourage employees who use their own cars for business purposes to do likewise. Travel is kept to a minimum using teleconferencing where appropriate.
We endeavour to operate re-use and recycle programmes and engage with suppliers and customers to reduce unnecessary packaging. To comply with UK and EU regulations, we request all single use plastic packaging contained in any order must be made from 30% recycled material or more. Our cardboard waste is separated out into containers which is collected for recycling.
We constantly seek to limit energy usage and are committed to reducing the company’s carbon footprint. A Carbon Reduction Plan is currently being drawn up so we can track and monitor our carbon emissions and we will continue to explore ways we can reduce our footprint. Innotech Digital & Display Limited does not manufacture and as such its energy usage is minimal. Our headquarters have switched to motion-activated LED lighting throughout the building drastically reducing our energy consumption and we are researching the possibility of running on solar power.
We ask all the suppliers in our supply chain to provide their own environmental and sustainability policies when we carry out due diligence. We pay particular attention to the suppliers of the products we procure to ensure that their manufacturing processes are environmentally friendly.
Innotech Digital & Display Limited Ltd is currently working towards ISO 14001 accreditation.
We believe that a responsible approach to developing relationships between the company and the communities they serve is a vital part of delivering business success.
Integrity and strong governance are at the core of Innotech Digital & Display Limited’s culture and any non-compliance with the very highest standards as set out in our policies is not acceptable. Innotech has written procedures for all areas of business activity which must be followed by all employees.
Innotech Digital & Display Limited supports Ethics and Ethical Trade. We recognise that modern slavery can occur in many forms, such as forced labour, domestic servitude, sex trafficking and workplace abuse. We have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We understand that ethical behaviour is about the culture of an organisation as well as its policies and processes. Innotech are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within the business or our supply chain. We undertake due diligence on all of our suppliers, irrespective of their location around the world, via regular audits and declarations of compliance to ensure ethical trading in our supply chain.
Derek Shedden, Managing Director, July 2022
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