Published 4th Jun 2024

Type Creative’s Juno claims the Inaugural 2024 Pets in Print Trophy

Juno - Type Creative 2024 Pets in Print Winner

The winner of the very first Innotech Pets in Print Trophy is… (drumroll)… Miss Juno Charlton, Chief Welfare Officer for Type Creative.

Juno - 2024 pets in print winner

After hours of deliberation, the judges (Colin Sinclair McDermott, the Online Print Coach, and Jack Gocher and Kathryn Ridout from Eye on Display) were won over by Juno’s infectious smile. Juno’s role in print is to meet and greet visitors and brighten their day with her warm presence, bringing a ray of sunshine to everyone.

Colin said, “This was such a hard competition to judge because the entries were so strong. However, we felt the winner showed a great combination of the print industry’s hard-working ethic and extreme cuteness.”

Jack and Kathryn agreed, “We both had a very long shortlist, and it could have gone many ways. But in the end, we agreed that Juno deserved the trophy as she has a clear role within the company, proudly wore her bandana and sat beautifully to pose. She is obviously such a good girl.”

Kieran Dallow, Marketing Manager for Innotech, and Liam Charlton, Type Creative Director, were delighted to present the trophy to Juno and her owner, Lauren, the company’s Office Manager. Juno was excited to receive her trophy, doggie doughnuts, and certificate before returning to her working position in Type Creative’s reception area.

Speaking on her behalf, Liam said, “We are very proud of Juno for winning this award. She brings real joy to the office and is always prepared to offer a helping paw. The office is a brighter place when she is here.”

Judges’ Commendations

While it was very hard to pick an overall winner, the judges wanted to give extra recognition to other strong entries.


Digby from Harlequin Clothing

Digby - petsinprint


Izzy from 4site Implementation


Special Awards

Best Name in Print

Printz from Colourfast

Printz - Colourfast

Most Impressive Photo

Dixie and Dean from Printwear and Promotion (As cats, Dixie and Dean’s owner, Mel, deserves special recognition for putting on the bandanas and getting them both posing!)

Dixie & Dean - Datateam

The Hardest Worker Award

Moose from Digital Wordcrafts

Moose - Digital Wordcrafts

The Best Descriptions

Eric from Smart Printing Company

Eric - Smart Printing Company

(Eric loves to come to work on Thursdays and Fridays and has been working in print since he was 8 weeks old! His role here at The Smart Printing Company comprises of shredding paper, running away from anything with wheels or remotely snake looking, greeting anyone who enters the building (usually with a fairly dribbly set of chops) and sleeping on the job. Eric really is the employee of the month EVERY month!)


The Long Service Award

 14 year old Skye from Link Publishing


And very special thanks to everyone who entered. See you next year!

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