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Find out the environmental impact of your print job
Innotech Digital & Display Ltd created the Eco Impact Rating Tool to give print service providers and businesses a way to evaluate any print material's overall environmental impact.
This tool uses 5 areas of the product which contribute its carbon footprint:
The final score allows any digital print media to be compared with another, and because of its simplicity, may be assessed by anybody with access to the relevant information.
Category A
Environmental Impact Score Explained
The very best! Category A product have excellent environmental credentials and should be the print materials that every brand and printer strives to use over time. They're fantastic products to brag about to your customers. Due to supply-side limitations, the list of Category A products is still limited, although it is steadily growing. With the development of new manufacturing and recycling technologies, it won't be long before you'll have a whole variety of other options.
Category B
This is the most frequent classification for all ecologically friendly materials. It's apparent that the product's environmental impact has been thoroughly considered by the maker. However, there are certain things that can be done better in the future. In the medium to long term, products that fit into this category are a reliable alternative to choose while even more ecologically friendly options are produced.
Category C
The happy medium. This category contains a diverse range of products, some of which are environmentally friendly while others are not. However, each will suffice in the short to medium term until more environmentally friendly options become available. They'll most likely be recyclable, but not as durable as Category B products, or will have travelled longer distances to reach the end user. Hence why they won't have made it into the higher tier.
Category D
Although it's still best to avoid them, these materials may pass one or two of the criteria. They're often not environmentally friendly in and of themselves, although they may come in semi-recycled packaging or be more durable than Category E products, allowing them to be used for more extended periods of time. We expect these materials will be replaced over time with good eco-friendly alternatives, many of which already exist. Start exploring for alternatives now if you use these products frequently.
Category E
If possible, stay away from these items. They are likely to have failed every aspect of the environmental impact assessment, indicating that they are the most environmentally damaging. While the low pricing may appeal to some of your clients, you should tell them about the environmental impact of these products. There will most likely be a more environmentally friendly alternative to the products in this category, so suggest that instead.
Eco Impact Rating Tool
Enter your product details to create a fully customised ECO rating download.
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The reliability of the result is wholly dependent on the accuracy of the data submitted by the user. This does not constitute terms or part of any contract. We do not accept liability for variance including direct, indirect or consequential loss. The user is deemed to have determined the suitability of the product for the use intended and assumes all associated risks and liabilities in connection with specifying, using or being unable to use any of the products.
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