Published 29th Apr 2024

Dress to Impress for the 2024 Pets in Print Trophy

Pets in Print

Innotech is printing 100 designer dog bandanas to help your furriest office colleague claim the title

Innotech Digital has launched the inaugural Pets in Print Trophy and is producing 100 bandanas to give your office pets the best chance to look their best.

The bandanas are available on request, and by posting pictures on any social media platform, you will have the chance to win the 2024 Pets in Print Trophy.

Kieran Dallow, Marketing Manager for Innotech, says, “Following National Pet Day, we wanted to do more to celebrate the role office pets play in keeping the print industry moving.”

To win the coveted prize, take a picture of your pet sporting the Pets in Print bandana, share it on social media, include the hashtag #PetsinPrint and tag Innotech using the following details:

The judges include industry pet lovers Colin Sinclair McDermott (aka the Online Print Coach) and Jack Gocher from Eye on Display.

Jack says, “We’re looking for creative pictures of your office pets, showing their best and funniest sides. We’re looking out for those pets that don’t just look great in their bandana but also demonstrate how much they are loved in the office.”

To claim your bandana, simply email Innotech on We would love for you to post pictures of your pet wearing the bandana and explain why you think they deserve to win Pets in Print 2024 before the end of May. There may even be a tasty treat and an old slipper as prizes.

Kieran concludes with a word of warning: “This is the Pets in Print Trophy, and we aren’t just being alliterative. They might be called dog bandanas, but that doesn’t mean only dogs can wear them. We will absolutely consider all office pets, and we are expecting lots of creativity, particularly if your office pet is a goldfish! Putting a bandana on your office cat is done at your own risk.”

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